Thursday, April 12, 2018

Level 4 A - learning about Islamic Belief

Dear Parents,

Assalamalaikum wrwb,

Students learned, that as a Muslim they have to believe in seven / 7 things.
1. Allah, 2. His books, 3. His Prophets, 4. His Angels,  5. Day of Judgement,    6. Will /Qadr of Allah,    7. Life after death,

they also reviewed Five/5 Pillars of Islam.

1. Shahadah  2. Salah  3 Sawn  4. Zakah   5.  Hajj

Alaa used her fingers to remember that she need to believe in 7 things!

Bareek Allah Feek!

                Boys showing their work !

                          Well done Arij!

Ma sha Allah, 

Parent, ask them all about this!

Project 4 A - Story of Prophet Musa (a.s)

Dear Parents,

Assalamalaikum wrwb,

Ms Maha and Hameeda helped students of Level 4A, complete  project of Prophet Musa (a.s) this year. They have learned about Prophet Musa's life story and learned lessons from it.

The project was to make baby Musa (a.s) when he was put in a basket and my Allah's will that basket was picked up my Aseeyah(a.s) at Firwun palace.

When you see our 4A student, ask them to tell you this story! They will love to share with you!

A Happy and joyful students of Level 4A - special thanks to Ms Maha for her creative idea!

Al Sharafee sisters - good job girls! Ma sha Allah

Kalaa's - Thumb's up!

Kareem Sarhan - Ma sha Allah!

Keep it coming boys!!! 

AnNajjar sisters!

Boys  Ahmed, Kareem, Omar and Karam - Keep up the good work!!!

Innovative ways of teaching Level 1 and K

Dear Parents,

Assalamalaikum wrwb,

The vision of CKWIS is to provide authentic teachings of islam in most innovative and practical way to its students. To accomplish that, our teachers do a great job by incorporating activities every Sundays to what they have learned in classroom.

We provide all the activity supplies, we encourage parents to discuss with they children what they have learned and review with them every day.

Level K busy making "Mini Manner Book" - Kitabul Ekhlaq

Kitabul Eklaq - completed 

some Sunday its Movie time, where student learn from Audio Visual

Level 1 and K - learning about Alphabets - Alphabet Hunt

Rescuing Alphabets

Matching Alphabets to sounds

Different project, activities done in class to enhance their learning and gives them hand on experience

Level K - Learning about Prophet Ibhrahim and Kabah

Dear Parents,

Assalamalaikum wrwb,

In Dec, 2017 Level K learned the story of Prophet Ibhrahim (a.s) and how he went to Makkah and build Kabah with his son Prophet Ismael (a.s).

Ms. Tarranum, did an awesome fun filled activity by asking students to make Kabah!!!

Good Job every one Adam, Amal, Jannah, Omar, Raslan, Kawther and Zainab!

Project Level 5 - Taiyyammum Kit

Dear Parents,

Assalamalaikum wrwb,

In Dec 2017, Level 5 learned all about Taharah, that included Ablution - Wet and Dry. They now know why, when and how to do Dry Ablution -Taiyyammum.

As part of their curriculum, they made a Taiyyammum kit. It consisted of a wooden box, which holds sand in a cloth, that can be used for Taiyyammum. 

They learned the Ayah of Surah Maidah 5:6 and paste it on the box, which gives tells them that Taiyyammum can be done instead of Wudu,  if needed to.

One of the important thing that, was part of the project is to teach their family members, how to do Taiyyamum after making their kit.
All of the students enjoyed this creative activity in class and at home.

Ms. Saima was very pleased with all her students, how students learned and showed interest in completing the project. Bareek Allah Fekum!

Wooden Box is used for the Taiyyammum Kit

Wania, Sharmin, Fatima, busy decorating their boxes - Wania did a great job colouring the Ayah with Rainbow colours

Taiyyamm Kit - clean Sand/Earth is used for it

Completed Project - on the table a cloth is seen which has the Sand inside it

Ma sha Allah , Good Job all students 

Don't forget to teach others, what you have learned in your class!

Level 1 and K - Learning Sleeping Dua

Dear Parents,

Assalamalaikum wrwb,

In the name of Allah, we sleep and we wake up. This is what Level K and 1 had learned in past week. After learning this they had this fun and colour-full activity in the class.

Parents, kindly remind them to read this Dua every-time they go to bed!

Kaylee, Kawther and Jannah 

Project Level K - Five Pillars of Islam

Dear Parents,

Assalamalaikum wrwb,

Level K have learned all about five pillars of Islam. They know the importance of pillar for a house.
When you see one of our L-K students, please ask them about pillars of Islam and they will tell you all about it!

Thank you to Ms Tarranum, Ms Wedad and Ms Deema for this!

Jannah, very happy after completing her Project! Look very good!

Kawther , all set up after her project is done

Project 4B - 99 Names of Allah

Dear Parents,

Assalamalaikum wrwb,

This year Ms Wedad's class, Level 4B completed the project of memorizing and writing 99 names of Allah. 

Every Sunday students were asked to memorize, understand and write 4 to 5 names of Allah. Once they have 10 to 20 names written on a leaf, Ms Wedad asked them to paste on a poster and create a big, thick and tall tree full of names.

Good Job class!

Ma sha Allah, Awesome Job Maysam! I hope you remember all the 99 names of Allah, so you can teach others! Bareek Allah Feeki

Adiya Review Book - Level 1


Dear Parents,

Assalamalaikum wrwb,

This Mar-Apr Ms. Rusksana Level 1 teacher, came up with an awesome idea, she created 'an Adiya Review Book' for L1 students, so they can review it. It has all the basic Adiya that are being taught including Knowledge Seeking Adiya.

It is a great aid for families to keep repeating with their children - Arabic text as well as translation.

Remember our goal is that our students retain. It easy to learn and memorize, however it is very hard to retain.Please Parent, put extra efforts with your children in reviewing, what they have learned in classroom and incorporate it, in their daily lives!.

Tawwudh and Tasmiyah - always comes first!

Before going to Bed Dua

Pleasing Dua - Ask you children 1. Who is our Lord? Who is our Prophet? What is our Religion?

Knowledge Seeking Adiya - Teachers and Students read this every time they begin a class

Shahada - First Pillar - Dont forget to remind your child to read this as much as they can - they get bonus reward once they do that !

All done!! 

Jazak Allah Khair to all our teachers for their hard work. May this is return as best of your Sadaqah Jariyah!

Learning Tasmiya and Tawwudh

Dear Parents,

Assalamalaikum wrwb,

This Sunday Level K and 1 learned and practice Tasmiya ( Basmallah) and Tawwudh ( Istiadha) with actions, meaning. They also know why and when to read it.

Please ask our L1 and K students above this when you meet them.

Thank you our beloved teachers you are teaching them valuable lessons every Sunday. Jazak Allah Khair

Tawwudh - with actions

Basmallah with actions