Sunday, November 8, 2015

LEVEL 1 Goes for Nature Walk

Dear Parents,
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
Weather was very pleasant today, so Ms Wedad and Ms Asma decided to take Level 1 for a Nature Walk outside in our Parking Lot. Students Loved it.
They discussed Allah's creations, they admired what He has created by saying Ma sha Allah and Subhan Allah.

Outside the side door, discussing Allah's creations on the ground

                                                   Having Fun!! Alhamduillah

Maryam and Julie 

Playing with Fallen Maple Leaves

They said Ma sha Allah when they saw this!

Aroush and Maysam

                                                            Collecting Leaves

L1 was excited to see Rocks, Allah's creation!

       Exploring different Leaves and Plantations

Saifullah and Maysam
