Sunday, May 13, 2018

Level 1 and K Progress

السلام عليكم و رحمةالله و بركاته
🌱Level K & 1🌴

May 13, 2018

Ma sha Allah, Alhamdulillah today both levels were house full.

We started our regular routine with Quran Tajweed Book. After the break Level 1 had taken a Test(Exam 4) and Level K  was assessed in Islamic Studies, Hifz and EI.

Level 1 Evaluation is also completed in Hifz, IS and EI.

Students  were served with Snacks and Juices and they also  enjoyed watching Prophet Stories. Sorry couldn't capture those moments!!

Please ask your children about today. Parents don't stop their revision and make all Duas must part in their everyday life.

May Allah make our children true  Muslims

In sha Allah see u all after Ramadan Break.
Ramadan Kareem🎊🎉

Ms Iram and Ms Ruksana

Ramadan Discussion 1439 H /2018

Dear Parents,

Assalamalaikum wrwb,

Please remember each every one of us and our students in your Dua during Blessed month of Ramadan.

May Allah make our children righteous  and leader of the pious.

May Allah protect us from the fitnah.

May Allah gives us the best opportunity
to avail Ramadan.

May Allah ease the long fast which we will have

رَبَّنَا ھَبْ لَنَا مِنْ اَزْوَاجِنَا وَذُرِّيَّاتِنَا قُرَّةَ اَعْيُنٍ وَّاجْعَلْنَا لِلْمُتَّقِيْنَ اِمَامًا
Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.

( الفرقان : 74 )

Today we had a Ramadan Disscussion with our all our Students:

We discussed that if we do not do Salah and Fast , the 2 pillars of Islam - our Building will collapse.

We had a live demonstration of that when the two Arms of table was folded and the table fell down on the floor.

We discussed that we will try to pray Salah - So the students who do not pray will atleast pray 2 times and students who pray 3 to 4 times will pray 5 times including Witr.

We will Fast, so level K will try to fast 30 mins before Magrib.

Level 1 students will Fast for 1 hour before Magrib.

Other atleast 6 to 8 hours of fast before Magrib.

If you think your children can fast all day please encourage them to

Do Suhoor and Fatoor togather as a family.

We discussed we need to be extra nice with every one. We will make dua with good heart.

We have to Read Quran 15 to 20 mins every day.

Ensure you discuss and remind this to your children.

May Allah accept this from all of us.

ربنا تقبل منا و منكم


Ramadan Classes to Revise Quran

Dear Parents,
Assalamalaikum wrwb,

For Level 5 and 4 B

In order to give certification of memorization of Rub Juzz 30
They've have to practice from AlAlaq to AnNass.

Few of the students does not know some Sur in the middle as they were absent.

We have decided to do optional classess in Ramadan
from May 20 to Jun 10
11 to 1 p.m.
5 Sundays
We will work on their Quran and revise Adiya and Salah.

Jun 24 is their assessment
Jul 15 is reports, certifications and competitions

Please send m
Please bring I pad or tablet with head phone.


Bring Juzz
Salah book
Head phone

Ipad or Tablet with downloaded app
Android   -Quran for Android
IPhone or Ipad - Quran Explorer
With Sheikh Minshawi

Pencil case w pencil n eraser

Jazakum Allah khair!

Ramadan free online Camp

Dear Parents,

Assalamalaikum wrwb

There is a free ONLINE CAMP for children  4-9 year olds for RAMADAN.

Registration closes tomorrow for free users, then you have to pay 75/-

It is on TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS  at 7 to 8 p.m. EST

It is a live event in Ramadan with lots of activities and story telling.

I encourage that you enroll your children and benefit from the free offer.

You should give it a look at: