Sunday, July 1, 2018

July 1st Result Day

Assalamalikum wrwb Dear Parents

Thank you for coming today.  In deed it was very Humid.

May Allah save us from the humidity and hotness of that day. Ameen!

Hope students enjoyed water park/splash pad  today. 

Also He makes this land very peaceful for us.  Ameen!

I thank all my teachers today for their continuous dedication for this year. 

Sadly we have to say good bye to Ms. Iram, Level 1 and K teacher,  as she is relocating. We will miss you very much.

We will be losing few students as they are relocating as well.

We welcome our new Teachers and New Level K students.

I wish all the best for Summer Holidays.

Do not forget to revise and repeat at home.

Jazukumu Allahu Khairaa!!!

Agenda for Result Day- Last day


July 1 Result and Report Cards
Last day of CKWIS 2018-2019 Session

Theme Canada Day
Wear Red and White
Prepare National Anthem

Kingston Park
91 Paxton Drive
12 30 p.m. onwards

Sheltor 3- I

12 30 to 1 p.m.  Start joining 


1.00 p.m.
Recitation of Quran
National Anthem
Result and Report Cards

1 45 p.m.
Lunch and Apetitzer  Pot Luck by Student families 

2.10 p.m. onwards  Play time

230 p.m.  offical closure from CKWIS Admin, however  families can stay and enjoy as we have shelter booked for whole day!