Sunday, October 8, 2017

Guest speaker from Public Health Nurse Lisa

Dear Parents,

Assalamu Alakium wrwb

We will have a guest speaker coming in next week, October 15. Nurse Lisa from the Chatham Public Health will come in and teach our students hand washing and hygiene.

She will cover
1. Hand Hygiene
2. General Hygiene
3. Sneezing Manners

She will play 3 games with the students
1.Find the germs
2. Pass the germs
3. quiz

Nurse Lisa will be bringing treat bags with her.
We hope our students will learn a lot from her!!

New School Timings

Dear Parents,

Assalamu Alakium wrwb

Due to ongoing lack of resources and teachers we have decided to announce new school timings.

Start: 10:00 a.m.
End:  1:30 p.m.

Drop off:  9:50 a.m.
Pick up:  1:30 p.m.

New Staff 2017-2018

Dear Parents,

Assalamu Alakium wrwb

We would like to announce our new staff as well as our existing staff.  
Ms. Rachel is joining us as an office secretary .
Brother Ahmed is returning back teaching Quran telawah and hifz.
Ms. Tarranum is joining us as level 5 teacher and will be moving soon to kindergarten.
Ms. Shrouk is joining us as assist to kindergarten.
Our teachers Ms. Iram, Ms. Maha, Ms. Wedad, Ms. Saima, Ms.Hammeda as our existing teachers.

Please welcome all our volunteer staff.

Dear Parents,

Assalamu Alakium wrwb

Welcome parents and students to the exciting year 2017-2018.  We have resumed our classes on September 10 2017.  Sorry for late entry of the blog. Today is our 5th Sunday out of 36 Sunday's. 

Looking forward to working with your children.  We hope that you find this year as successful as last year.  Don't forget to work with your children everyday. 

With Kind Regards,
