Thursday, April 12, 2018

Innovative ways of teaching Level 1 and K

Dear Parents,

Assalamalaikum wrwb,

The vision of CKWIS is to provide authentic teachings of islam in most innovative and practical way to its students. To accomplish that, our teachers do a great job by incorporating activities every Sundays to what they have learned in classroom.

We provide all the activity supplies, we encourage parents to discuss with they children what they have learned and review with them every day.

Level K busy making "Mini Manner Book" - Kitabul Ekhlaq

Kitabul Eklaq - completed 

some Sunday its Movie time, where student learn from Audio Visual

Level 1 and K - learning about Alphabets - Alphabet Hunt

Rescuing Alphabets

Matching Alphabets to sounds

Different project, activities done in class to enhance their learning and gives them hand on experience

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