Thursday, April 12, 2018

Level 4 A - learning about Islamic Belief

Dear Parents,

Assalamalaikum wrwb,

Students learned, that as a Muslim they have to believe in seven / 7 things.
1. Allah, 2. His books, 3. His Prophets, 4. His Angels,  5. Day of Judgement,    6. Will /Qadr of Allah,    7. Life after death,

they also reviewed Five/5 Pillars of Islam.

1. Shahadah  2. Salah  3 Sawn  4. Zakah   5.  Hajj

Alaa used her fingers to remember that she need to believe in 7 things!

Bareek Allah Feek!

                Boys showing their work !

                          Well done Arij!

Ma sha Allah, 

Parent, ask them all about this!

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