Friday, May 25, 2018

Jun 14 Islamic Etiquette Exam

Dear Parents,

Assalamalaikum wrwb,

Level 4 A will be evaluated on Jun 24.
This is the list of Adiya.
Please revise once a day with your child.

May Allah make all our children leaders of the pious. Ameen!

May 20, Ramadan Class 1

Optional Prepatory Class in Ramadan

Target: to became fluent and revise as much as Quater Juzz 30 before exam on Jun 24.

May 20, 2018 Class # 1

Level 4B and 5

Quran Memorization
Ma sha Allah Full House!
Please see your child's agenda for Revision for the week
Every week I will be taking their test.
Pls send tab or ipad with head phones.

Test of Surah Qareehah to Surah Feel
Test of Surah Kafiroon  to Lahab

Surah Al Alaq needs more practice specially Ayah 11 to 19

Level 4 A
Test Sur Lahab,  Ikhlas, Falaq and Naas.

Ensure your child read these Sur atleast  1 time with Sheikh Minshawi.

See you next week!

Jun 24 Exam Day

Dear Parents,

Assalamalaikum wrwb,

I hope that this Ramadan will be better from our last Ramadan.

One of things that we can do in order to get the maximum benefits is to invest our time with our children for their Islamic Education.

Please review with them: Quran, Adiya and basic Islamic Studies questions.

There will be an exam once they return after Ramadan Holiday in June 24.

May Allah accept our deeds.
