Wednesday, June 3, 2015

This week's Etiquette Challange

Dear Parents,
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
This Week’s Challenge: Tasmiyah
This week we have done Tasmiyah in our classes. Tasmiya is Bismillah …commencing or starting any work with Allah’s Name to have Barakah (Blessing)..
Every time your child reads Bismillah, they should colour the number. It can happen that your child may colour all the number 1 to 15 in one day. That is great and means that they have recited Bismillah atleast 15 times, other children may not be able to finish this in one day. It need to be completed by next Saturday June 6, 2015/ Shaban 19.

Concept of Etiquette Challenge Sheet

Dear Parents,
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
Inshaa Allah every week Level 1 and 2 students will be provided with Etiquette Challenge Sheet.
Idea: The concept of this exercise at home is that child  incorporate the supplications that they have learned at school in a hope that in future they don’t need reminders from us and it will became permanent part of their daily routine (engraved in their souls!!!)
How to Do this Challenge: The activity has 1 to 15 numbers. Every time child say the supplication, they will colour or check mark the numbers. they are also encourage to write beside the number the reason to recite (before eating, before sitting in car etc.) The sheet should be completed in a week. It can also happen that your child may complete the sheet in one day, That's Great!! But keep reminding your child to read it even though they have completed the sheet.
Minimal Expectation: Every child is expected to colour 1 to 10 numbers by end of the week.
Average Expectation: Bonus, 11 to 13
Outstanding: Super Bonus, achieving up to 15
Rewards: Completion of 4 sheets will prompt a 'Reward'
The Student who will achieve SUPER BONUS in all FOUR SHEETS will have a visit to our Reward box, get a certificate and his/her name will be announced and photo will be posted in our blog. All students receiving Super Bonus will be rewarded.
Your Help is Needed: We are with your children only 3 hours per week, but YOU spend most of your time with them, we cannot bring any positive changes in them without YOUR HELP.
  • You need to remind them all the time to recite the supplications.
  • In coming days we will be sending review questions for the supplications, ask randomly while having dinner or in the car. Generate discussion with your child so the concept becomes clear in their minds.
  • Have the challenge sheet place on accessible area e.g, fridge
  • If they have siblings encourage reminding each other.
  • Encourage by prompting that they are getting rewards for reciting, sharing and reminding (Each letter gives 10 rewards)
  • Make Dua for your children all the time that Allah guides them and make them consistent in their action towards Him.
  • We are here to raise an Ummah for which Rasul Ullah saw can be proud of, in Akirah, help us in achieving this great privilege. Inshaa Allah!

Announcement about Level 0

Dear Parents,

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Thank you for your understanding at our first day for our Level 0 students.  
After careful administrative review we have decided that at the current moment we are unable to continue with our Level 0 class, due to our limited resources in term of staff and place. We have only one room for Level 0 and child minding for teacher's children.
When Allah wills and we have more finances, Inshaa Allah we will expand our facility and then offer Level 0 to you.
We apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused you and thank you for your understanding. We will sure see your children when they are 5 years old in Level 1.

First Day of Level 0

Dear Parents,

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

We were very excited to receive our Level 0 class. Alhamduillah in first day we enrollment of 6 students. Level 0 class and child minding shared the same room.

Our Level 0 have not started going to JK and will be going to school this fall.
Ms Jolly  helped them decorate their boxes and colouring them. They enjoyed the activities that was done with them.


First Day of Level 4

Dear Parents,

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

We were very excited to receive and work with our Level 4 class. Alhamduillah in first day we have 8 students.

Mrs. Khan welcomed the class. The girls became comfortable with each other in few minutes. Smarties Ice breaker game was played, girls were asked to pick Smarties from the box and answer corresponding questions to the colour of the smarty. They loved it !! Girls discussed the purpose of being here in the class and the reason to recite Quran with Tajweed. Tasmiyah was discussed. Tajweed teacher assessed their Makharij and Quran recitation.

Girls are also excited to be the part of Big Sister Program, where they will be interacting with Level 1 an 2 students and assisting in their class room activities.

First Day of Level 3

Dear Parents,

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

We were very excited to receive and work with our Level 3 class. Alhamduillah in first day we have 8 students, and received one on the spot enrollment which made our count to 9. Mashaa Allah. 

Mr Ahmad and Mr Naveed welcomed the class. The boys became comfortable with each other in few minutes. Boys reviewed the purpose of being here in the class and the reason to recite Quran with Tajweed. They watched some videos of few Qari's to understand the concept. They also discussed Ayatal Kursiy and Connection with Allah swt.

                     students reviewing their binders, which was provided to the them

First Day of Level 2

Dear Parents,

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

We were very excited to receive and work with our Level 2 class. Alhamduillah in first day we have 18 students, however we received four on the spot  enrollment which made our count to 22.Mashaa Allah. 

Ms Anjum and Ms Shumaila welcomed the class. The class became comfortable in few minutes. Introduction was done and Students Policy was reviewed.

                                                     Level 2 classroom

Feature of the day activities was "counting rewards in Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim". Teachers told students that Rasul Allah (saw) told us that when we recite Quran, Allah bestow us with reward for each letter we recite.
Students deciphered the full Bismillah and they calculated that by reciting Bismillah (full) they will earn 220 rewards ( Insha Allah). Teachers had some interesting  activity to relay this concept. Students calculated reward by counting Mini MnMs candies as rewards. They were only able to count till ....Ar Rahman and received 160 - 170 rewards. ( we also wantedto avoid the 'sugar rush' !!!)

Teachers also told them that their bowl is getting empty but Allah's treasure will never end. He is a giver, a bestower, we just need to ask Him. This message was well received by students.  They also learned Allah's attribute Ar Rhman and ArRahim.

                                      student has a bag of reward (Mini MnM) in her hands

students are counting rewards ( bowel of Mini MnMs). Exercise Sheet of Bismillah is also
                              seen which they used to decipher Bismiallah

                                  student busy doing activity and helping each other

In Quranic Studies Ms Mah, our Tajweed Teacher assessed student by asking them to recite Surat un Naas. Majority of the students knew the Surah and remaining one Insha a Allah  will be learn. They learned quick facts of Surat un Naas.

The day ended with joy and thanking Allah for the blessing He has given us. Students were provided with a home work of " Home Etiquette Challenge Sheet" . They have to colour each time they recite Bismillah at home.

They were very excited to come back next week. One of the Mother told the staff that her child wanted to come to CKWIS every day. Alhamduillah!!!

See you next week Level 2.

First Day of Level 1

Dear Parents,
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

We were very excited to receive and work with out Level 1 class. Alhamduillah in first day we have 18 students. Ms Weded and Ms Naheed had some interesting activities with the class. The class became comfortable in few minutes. They planned icebreaker game by throwing a ball at each other and answering questions.

Feature of the day activities was "counting rewards in Bismillah". Students pretended that Mini MnMs are rewards. Teachers helped them by counting MnMs, so they have understanding of how much is the reward of reciting Bismillah. They learned Allah's attribute of Ar Rhman and ArRahim.

Students were provided with a home work of Etiquette Challenge. They have to colour each time they recite Bismillah at home.

                                Teacher explaining activities to Level 1 students.


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Our First Day of CKWIS May 31, 2015 Shaban 13, 1436 H

Dear Parents,
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
Thank you for showing your patience and understanding for our first day.
We had such a huge response from our  CK community. At planning stage for our school we initially thought of enrollment of about 40 children, but Masha Allah  we have 64 students enrolled. We received 5 enrollment on the spot at the morning.
Alhamduillah all students arrived on time and were showed their classes. Most of them new each others, some didn't, teacher played some icebreakers games to get to know them. Few teachers played throw the ball, some played picking up smarties etc.
First day begin with Allah's name. Students were taught Tasmiya, its meaning and application followed by class room activities.
Students were taught the importance of Quran and Purpose of Life. Teachers discussed importance of Tajweed and significance.
They were told that when they recite each letter in Quran they will earn 10 rewards. 
Our Big Sisters ( Level 4 Girls) monitored their break and aided teachers and staff in the end.
Dismissal was on time with a hope that students enjoyed their day and come back again. Insha Allah
We will try our level best to meet your expectations, please bear with us during this time period.
Please at the same time I  would like to appreciate my teachers for the effort and commitment they have shown. Our teachers deserves our gratitude, when ever you see any teacher please appreciate them. Jazak Allah Khair my dear teachers.