Dear Parents,
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
Thank you for showing your patience and understanding for
our first day.
We had such a huge response from our CK community. At planning
stage for our school we initially thought of enrollment of about 40 children,
but Masha Allah we have 64 students
enrolled. We received 5 enrollment on the spot at the morning.
Alhamduillah all students arrived on time and were showed their classes. Most of them new each others, some didn't, teacher played some icebreakers games to get to know them. Few teachers played throw the ball, some played picking up smarties etc.
First day begin with Allah's name. Students were taught Tasmiya, its meaning and application followed by class room activities.
Students were taught the importance of Quran and Purpose of Life. Teachers discussed importance of Tajweed and significance.
They were told that when they recite each letter in Quran they will earn 10 rewards.
Our Big Sisters ( Level 4 Girls) monitored their break and aided teachers and staff in the end.
Dismissal was on time with a hope that students enjoyed their day and come back again. Insha Allah
We will try our level best to meet your expectations, please
bear with us during this time period.
Please at the same time I
would like to appreciate my teachers for the effort and commitment they
have shown. Our teachers deserves our gratitude, when ever you see any teacher
please appreciate them. Jazak Allah Khair my dear teachers.