Thursday, April 12, 2018

Adiya Review Book - Level 1


Dear Parents,

Assalamalaikum wrwb,

This Mar-Apr Ms. Rusksana Level 1 teacher, came up with an awesome idea, she created 'an Adiya Review Book' for L1 students, so they can review it. It has all the basic Adiya that are being taught including Knowledge Seeking Adiya.

It is a great aid for families to keep repeating with their children - Arabic text as well as translation.

Remember our goal is that our students retain. It easy to learn and memorize, however it is very hard to retain.Please Parent, put extra efforts with your children in reviewing, what they have learned in classroom and incorporate it, in their daily lives!.

Tawwudh and Tasmiyah - always comes first!

Before going to Bed Dua

Pleasing Dua - Ask you children 1. Who is our Lord? Who is our Prophet? What is our Religion?

Knowledge Seeking Adiya - Teachers and Students read this every time they begin a class

Shahada - First Pillar - Dont forget to remind your child to read this as much as they can - they get bonus reward once they do that !

All done!! 

Jazak Allah Khair to all our teachers for their hard work. May this is return as best of your Sadaqah Jariyah!

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