Saturday, April 7, 2018

Easter Holiday Apr 1, 2018

Dear Parents,
Assalamalaikum wrwb,

School will be closed on Apr 1 and will reopen Apr 8, 2018.

Jazak Allah Khair!

School Cancellation Feb 11, 2018

Dear Parents,
Assalamalaikum wrwb,

Due to extreme weather conditions, school will be closed Feb 11, 2018.

Please stay warm and be safe! In sha Allah

Spring Break 2018

Dear Parents,
Assalamalaikum wrwb,

Spring March Break will be 11 and 18 March, See you all on March 25, 2018.

Safe Holidays!

Reminder Updates for Parents for 2018 session

Dear Parents,
Assalamualaikum wrwb,

Here are few reminders for you to carry on for ongoing session.

School starts  9.50 a.m
➤And ends 1.30 p.m.
➤Report absence by 9.00 a.m. with a VALID REASON
If you are planning to pick your child early.You MUST have a valid reason
➤Come to office directly do not go to your child class.
➤Or inform us ahead of time when you are picking your child and we will prepare the        child at the time given.
➤Send healthy snacks with children🍏🍎🍊🍋🍌🍉🍇🌽🍗
➤Our snack time is 15 minutes.
➤Always send water bottle. We DO NOT have any water facility for students
➤Avoid  sending BIG Lunches
➤Always send books and folder to school.
➤Ensure that you check student bags on Saturday evenings.
➤We are focusing and stressing on Home work and Revisions

Oral Health Day

Jan 28, 2017 

Dear Parents,

Assalamalikum wrwb,     

                             We had a Dental Hygienist visit from CK Public Health on January 28th 2018. All the levels had so much fun. We all learned the correct technique of brushing and flossing our teeth. Cleaning Teeth and Staying clean is part of our faith.  Here sharing with you some clicks of the day.

                                                         learning how to floss correctly !

using hand as teeth and flossing in between

                                                        Good job Salim! you can do it!

Karam! we know you are an excellant flosser !

Girls! KEEP IT UP!!

Our Level K students are all into it!

Level 4 A students know exactly how to brush and ready to teach others!

Goof Job Level 5 !

Every one, you did awesome, try to teach your parents and siblings, don't forget two minutes of brushing and after that clean your tongues!

PD day

February 4, 2018

Dear Parents,
Assalamalaikum wrwb,

              Today it was a PD day. The main objectives were:

   ➤To get to know teachers and staffs.
   ➤ Revival of virtues and importance of teaching Islamic               Education as part of Sadaqa Jariyah.
   ➤ Boosting Emaan.
   ➤ Appreciate teacher's efforts and time they put in weekly           for CKWIS.
   ➤ Encourage to share the achievements and progress teacher encounter weekly with             their students.
   ➤ Share techniques, tips and strategies which is working well for teachers in classroom.
   ➤Have understanding of the weekly challanges teachers face in the classrooms.
   ➤ Adopt workable strategies to over come these challanges
   ➤ Understand and Implement proper disciplinary actions for misbehaved conduct                  shown by students.

Main Highlights are:
                 A Close Table Discussion was facilitated chaired by the Principal. Vision and mission was reviewed. Discussions where made on challenges, progress and improvement factors . On the light of the discussion plans, strategies and new policies where made for implementation. Among them, the most important one was the Homework policy. It includes:

             ➽ From today until school closes, we need to focus on homework completion. No compromise on the homework policy. The first thing with the homework policy is revision of memorization and telawah of Quran and revision of Adiya learned in school. It is also very important for the students to understand WHY they need to recite the Adiya on specific occasion ( must be aware of virtues and significance). This is a constant duty of a teacher to remind them in class.

             ➽Everyone student has red agenda folders. 2 things should be mentioned in the Agenda from now: Recent lesson, and Review from past lessons. Don’t go over 3 revisions per day, and if they are very strong in their work then maybe just once a day. When they come back the following week, they should be assessed to see whether they did their review or not. If they did good.. write a “comments” so parents can see. If they didn’t do good, lesson is given again.

             ➽ What to do if child doesn’t bring the agenda or parents do not sign it? Listen to his lesson and still assess it and take another paper and write his same lesson and tell the student to stick it with his/her agenda.

             ➽ Ignore it the first time it happens, just remind them they need to bring it every Sunday.

             ➽The second time they forget you MUST go to Principal and make her aware of the situation so parents can be reached.

             ➽HW Template will me made and should be put in red Agenda

             ➽It s teacher’s responsibility to maintain and check on weekly basis.

             ➽ Follow up messages should be sent at Watsapp group to ensure that students are bringing it regularly.

             ➽ The Islamic Study Books will be sent home every week. Books that go home are:
              ⟹a. Level 4 and 5 : TME Book, Juzz 30, I.S. Book/folder, Salah Book, and Red                            Agenda.
              ⟹b. Level 1 and K : TME Book, I.S. Book/folder, Writing folder, and Red Agenda.

             ➽ We recommend Quran for Android or Quran explorer on IPhone. Also the website CKWIS recommends that student MUST recite with Sheikh Minshawi

             ➽Must date and signed CW and HW, Absentee CW and HW must be date and marked as absent, Stick reward stickers or comment on performances.

Field trip to Taqwa Musallah

Dear Parents,
Assalamalaikum wrwb,


 Our Level 4 B and 5 went to Taqwa Musallah at Tourquise Ct on Dec 17, 2017, Sunday; with their teachers and joined by Brothers Ahmed, Amir and other muslims at Masjid. 

Brother Amir Naveed gave Kutbah on importance of Masjid and Jamat. He talked about seven categories of people who will be under the shade of Throne of Allah on day of Judgement when it will be hot. One category of group of people will be the one who have their heart attached to Masjid. He  quizzed  students, student participated eagerly. 

Ma Sha Allah Haadi did wonderful Athan, taughted by Brother Ahmed, his Quran teacher.

Students followed what they were taughte - the manners of congregation of Salah and Mosque - Adab al Masjid wa Adal al Jamaa. They were able to completed their check list. majority of them were able to achieve 24/25 score. Alhamduillah

Students made donations to Musallah, afte that they had lunch at local Halal restaurant -Kabab Hutt for Lunch.

Every one learned and enjoyed. Maa Sha Allah!

Again Jazak Allah Khair Kaseera  our Teachers Ahmed and Amir who made ithis feild trip worth!

                       Brother Amir addressing students about importance of masjid and Jammat

Level 4 B and 5

               May Allah always bestow mercy on those who follows His path- Ameen!

Teachers Appreciation day

Dear Parents,
Assalamalaikum wrwb,

January 28,2018 was our Teachers Appreciation Day. Students appreciated their teachers by making speeches and sharing their experiences, they also hand teachers  hand made cards. Special thanks to parents for helping them and realizing importance of teachers . 

Things we learned:
➤ Always respect our teachers as they provide us with best of the knowledge.
➤ Always be kind to them and never speak bad about teachers at any time.
➤ Alway listen to teachers 
➤Always make Dua for your teachers 
➤Always be a good teachers yourself, as every stage you are teaching some one, some where!

Saifullah AbdulGhaffar Level  4B appreciating his teachers Ms. Wedad, Ms Saima and Mr Ahmed

      Haadi Khan Level 5 appreciating and thanking his teachers Mr Ahmed, Ms Ambreen, Ms Saima

                               Level 4 A student Omar Kala, thanking Ms Mada and Ms Hameeda

Level 5 student Sharmin Zaman thanking teachers of Level 5, she wants to be a teacher herself when                                                                     she grows up!

Confident lilltle Housam Al Sharafee presented his Level K and thanked his Kindergarden teachers of teaching her Islamic education. He thanked Ms Wedad, Ms Sharuq, Ms Deema and Ms Tarranum.

Level 4 A, Al Sharafee sisters appreciated their teachers

                                            Student carefully listening to appreciative statements