Dear Parents,
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
Inshaa Allah every week Level 1 and 2 students will be provided with Etiquette Challenge Sheet.
Idea: The concept of this exercise at home is that child incorporate the supplications that they have learned at school in a hope that in future they don’t need reminders from us and it will became permanent part of their daily routine (engraved in their souls!!!)
How to Do this Challenge: The activity has 1 to 15 numbers. Every time child say the supplication, they will colour or check mark the numbers. they are also encourage to write beside the number the reason to recite (before eating, before sitting in car etc.) The sheet should be completed in a week. It can also happen that your child may complete the sheet in one day, That's Great!! But keep reminding your child to read it even though they have completed the sheet.
Minimal Expectation: Every child is expected to colour 1 to 10 numbers by end of the week.
Average Expectation: Bonus, 11 to 13
Outstanding: Super Bonus, achieving up to 15
Rewards: Completion of 4 sheets will prompt a 'Reward'
The Student who will achieve SUPER BONUS in all FOUR SHEETS will have a visit to our Reward box, get a certificate and his/her name will be announced and photo will be posted in our blog. All students receiving Super Bonus will be rewarded.
Your Help is Needed: We are with your children only 3 hours per week, but YOU spend most of your time with them, we cannot bring any positive changes in them without YOUR HELP.
- You need to remind them all the time to recite the supplications.
- In coming days we will be sending review questions for the supplications, ask randomly while having dinner or in the car. Generate discussion with your child so the concept becomes clear in their minds.
- Have the challenge sheet place on accessible area e.g, fridge
- If they have siblings encourage reminding each other.
- Encourage by prompting that they are getting rewards for reciting, sharing and reminding (Each letter gives 10 rewards)
- Make Dua for your children all the time that Allah guides them and make them consistent in their action towards Him.
- We are here to raise an Ummah for which Rasul Ullah saw can be proud of, in Akirah, help us in achieving this great privilege. Inshaa Allah!
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