Dear Parents,
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
We were very excited to receive and work with out Level 1 class. Alhamduillah in first day we have 18 students. Ms Weded and Ms Naheed had some interesting activities with the class. The class became comfortable in few minutes. They planned icebreaker game by throwing a ball at each other and answering questions.
Feature of the day activities was "counting rewards in Bismillah". Students pretended that Mini MnMs are rewards. Teachers helped them by counting MnMs, so they have understanding of how much is the reward of reciting Bismillah. They learned Allah's attribute of Ar Rhman and ArRahim.
Students were provided with a home work of Etiquette Challenge. They have to colour each time they recite Bismillah at home.
Teacher explaining activities to Level 1 students.
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