Saturday, April 7, 2018

Field trip to Taqwa Musallah

Dear Parents,
Assalamalaikum wrwb,


 Our Level 4 B and 5 went to Taqwa Musallah at Tourquise Ct on Dec 17, 2017, Sunday; with their teachers and joined by Brothers Ahmed, Amir and other muslims at Masjid. 

Brother Amir Naveed gave Kutbah on importance of Masjid and Jamat. He talked about seven categories of people who will be under the shade of Throne of Allah on day of Judgement when it will be hot. One category of group of people will be the one who have their heart attached to Masjid. He  quizzed  students, student participated eagerly. 

Ma Sha Allah Haadi did wonderful Athan, taughted by Brother Ahmed, his Quran teacher.

Students followed what they were taughte - the manners of congregation of Salah and Mosque - Adab al Masjid wa Adal al Jamaa. They were able to completed their check list. majority of them were able to achieve 24/25 score. Alhamduillah

Students made donations to Musallah, afte that they had lunch at local Halal restaurant -Kabab Hutt for Lunch.

Every one learned and enjoyed. Maa Sha Allah!

Again Jazak Allah Khair Kaseera  our Teachers Ahmed and Amir who made ithis feild trip worth!

                       Brother Amir addressing students about importance of masjid and Jammat

Level 4 B and 5

               May Allah always bestow mercy on those who follows His path- Ameen!

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