Sunday, May 6, 2018

Qunoot and Witr Practice

Dear Parents

Assalamalikum wrwb

We have been practising Qunoot  from few weeks.  Last we role played how Witr is performed after Isha Salah.
We learned that it can be prayed as 1, 3, 5 and 7. We learned the importance of Witr and why odd number is there to balance our Sunnah raka count to odd numbers

Today it was discussed that due to prolong days most of students are heading to bed before Isha and skipping Isha Salah and Witr.
Parents please encourage your children to perform Isha if it is hard that kindly encourage to do at Fajr and atleast do 1 raakah  of Witr so they can practice Dua Qunoot in it.

In order to memorize well ensure you listen to Qunoot with translation every day. Unforunetly , I did Qunoot with Level 5 last year but as they have not revised it they forgot it.

Hope for the best!

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