Dear Parents,
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
our 2016-2017 academic year is about to finish. We started Sept 18 and will be done In sha Allah by May 14. Parent's meeting and Reports card are scheduled for May 21. This year school run for 31 Sundays.
This year we had to open two new levels, Level 1 for our kindergarten students and Level 2 had to be splited in two section (Arabic and English). Alhamduillah we are ending this session with 5 levels, students ranging any where from 4 to 16 years.
This year we started with 38 enrolled students, and 7 Staffs including Teachers and other Volunteers.
but Alhamduillah we are now up to 52 students and 14 Staffs including Teachers and other Volunteers.
We were able to secure lease and insurance upto summer. Alhamduillah!, however as we have more students we are looking for a bigger place, Beeiznillah!
Last year only 50% of our parents were able to pay the fee and rest we were able to manage with our funds and sponsorships, but the influx of Syrain families made our percentange bit low at 30%.
Last year we welcomed one Syrian family into our community, with their four children, they adjusted very well, in fact they act as our translators in the class room Ma Sha AllahAlhamduillah!
By Nov 2016 to Mar 2017 we welcomed five more Syrian families into our school, hence increasing the number of students.
Another great news is that in Feb 2017 Chatham Kent was officially granted status of a "Refugee Settlement Community" by the Citizenship and Immigration Canada. So, in future we are expecting more families to come, and ofcourse our CKWIS family will grow too! In sha Allah
May Allah swt make their transition easy! Ameen!
Once again on my and our Principal behalf, we both thank you for your kindness and compassion.
JazakAllah Khair Kaseera for sponsoring our students last year and we hope that you continue to be part of our family. May Allah accept these deeds from you and make it a best Sadiqa Jareya. AMEEN!
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!
With Warmest Regards,
Dr. Saima Khan MD CCFP
Vice Principal
Chatham Kent Weekend Islamic School
This year we had to open two new levels, Level 1 for our kindergarten students and Level 2 had to be splited in two section (Arabic and English). Alhamduillah we are ending this session with 5 levels, students ranging any where from 4 to 16 years.
This year we started with 38 enrolled students, and 7 Staffs including Teachers and other Volunteers.
but Alhamduillah we are now up to 52 students and 14 Staffs including Teachers and other Volunteers.
We were able to secure lease and insurance upto summer. Alhamduillah!, however as we have more students we are looking for a bigger place, Beeiznillah!
Last year only 50% of our parents were able to pay the fee and rest we were able to manage with our funds and sponsorships, but the influx of Syrain families made our percentange bit low at 30%.
Last year we welcomed one Syrian family into our community, with their four children, they adjusted very well, in fact they act as our translators in the class room Ma Sha AllahAlhamduillah!
By Nov 2016 to Mar 2017 we welcomed five more Syrian families into our school, hence increasing the number of students.
Another great news is that in Feb 2017 Chatham Kent was officially granted status of a "Refugee Settlement Community" by the Citizenship and Immigration Canada. So, in future we are expecting more families to come, and ofcourse our CKWIS family will grow too! In sha Allah
May Allah swt make their transition easy! Ameen!
Once again on my and our Principal behalf, we both thank you for your kindness and compassion.
JazakAllah Khair Kaseera for sponsoring our students last year and we hope that you continue to be part of our family. May Allah accept these deeds from you and make it a best Sadiqa Jareya. AMEEN!
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!
With Warmest Regards,
Dr. Saima Khan MD CCFP
Vice Principal
Chatham Kent Weekend Islamic School
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