Sunday, September 27, 2015

5 Pillar of Islam Project Level 2

Dear Parents,

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Sorry for being late in posting!

Our Level 2 students had completed their project on Sept 13, 2015. They have learned about 5 Pillars.

Special Thank you to Nanu, who was our project coordinator, she made sure that every one received all their project supplies.

Eshaal Afzal, Haadi Khan and Sharmin Zaman weres very fast, they finished the project before every one and they were kind enough to help rest of the class.

Students learned that the foundation of the pillar " the base" is the "niyyah", our intention, and on that we base our 5 pillars, if one of the pillar is broken, or we do not perform it, than the house of Islam can not stand still!

Hamza Zia  showing his project
Haadi Khan our helper !! Jazak Allah Khair Haadi

Eshaal Afzal helping Abdul Ahad. Jazak Allah Khair Eshaal

 Jazak Allah Khair Eshaal for helping your friends
 Sharmin helping Julie 
Girls... good job!
Eshal Tariq  and Areeba Asharf

Busy Busy...

Finally Done !

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